Sunday, August 31, 2014

Akun Mikaila di komputer bersama

Wow! *dengan o panjang dan bergelombang* Terima kasih ayah!  Kecup basah mendarat di pipi ayah *smock! Kali ini penyebab riangnya Kaila rada geeky. Bukan lantaran dikasih boneka, tidak pula gula-gula, crayon, atau buku, melainkan karena mendapatkan satu akun tersendiri di PC kamar atas.

Sebelumnya, PC ini hanya punya dijejali dua akun pengguna. Satunya milik Bunda, dengan nama akun “Yufinats”, dan akun “Rohman Yuliawan” yang dipakai ayah. Kalau Kaila sedang berhasrat memainkan serangkaian game Baby Hazel atau iseng dengan Feeding Frenzy dan Angry Birds, atau mengintip Elsa Frozen, Hello Kitty di Youtube, sekadar membolak-balik foto-foto lama dan menonton video-video rekaman perjalanan *sibuk ya :)* maka Kaila akan menumpang di akun manapun yang sedang aktif. 

Nah, setelah ayah mengupgrade OS dari Windows 7 ke Windows 8, tampilan genjreng dan boxy antarmuka Metro bikin Kaila makin ngiler untuk memainkan PC. Alhasil, semakin kerap ayah dan bunda “kehilangan” folder yang berpindah ke direktori. Kadangkala satu dua file ter-delete, lain waktu konfigurasi menu berubah, ikon software bergeser. 

Tapi, sejak 14 Juli 2014, Kaila resmi memiliki akun sendiri. Kaila sendiri pula yang memilih password untuk akunnya. Ia pula yang menyortir foto untuk user profilenya. Dengan bantuan ayha, ia juga yang menentukan software dan game apa saja untuk di-pin pada taskbar, juga pada live tile pada start screen. Sejak itu pula, file dan folder ayah-bunda jadi aman, tapi di sisi lain waktu pakai jadi menyusut. Sejak saat itu pula Kaila menyebut si PC sebagai “komputer bersama”

Berenang sama Azka

Off sekolah kita main ke danau, janjian sama Ibun-nya adek Azka. Pagi-pagi menjelang jam 10 kita baru keluar rumah, jemput adek Azka trus lanjut ke pantai C di Salonsa. Senangnya main pasir dan berendam.
 Pulang dari berenang kelaparan trus mampir ke toko roti Bread Love

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Chalk Board

Mikaila kenal kapur tulis dari film ChalkZone. Kayaknya seru juga kalau kita punya papan tulis kapur. Bikin sendiri yuk, gampang. Tinggal cari cat hitam yang hasil akhirnya dove trus cat dimana saja yang kita sukai. Bunda masih punya kanvas ukuran 50x50, Mikaila bantuin ngecat lalu dijemur sendiri di depan rumah. Seru ya menggambar pakai kapur.
Jaman sekolah dulu bunda masih dapat lho menulis pakai papan tulis kapur, nanti pas kelas 5 baru mulai ganti white board dan marker.

pesan sponsor : Catnya beli di DIENG CORNER seharga 30.000/330ml :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kai dan Caca

Ni bocah dari bayi mirip, gedenya juga mirip. Jaman kecil emaknya juga mirip sih kita suka dikira saudaraan :)

Komentar Mikaila lihat foto bayi : "bun, Kaila yang mana ini?"

Semoga anak-anak ini tumbuh sehat dan berakhlak mulia. Aamiin...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Menata Topping Pizza

Aktifitas yang bisa dilakukan bersama Mikaila di dapur saat membuat pizza adalah menata topping pizza. Mikaila suka sekali dengan Pizza kali ini yang garing kriuk-kriuk. Resepnya lihat disini ya nok. Kali aja mau bikin sendiri

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bikin sendiri : es loli

Es loli kesukaan Mikaila ada 3 rasa, strawberry, vanilla dan coklat. Hari pertama membuat gambar dan menghias dengan taburan warna warni bersama adek Azka dan kakak Kirana.
setelah itu dijemur seharian sampai lemnya mengering. Setelah kering baru di gunting-gunting
Digunting kemudian ditempel di karton bekas minuman gelas supaya kaku.

3 rasa favorit :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Dear Girl,

Original text in Spanish and photo by Guillermo Peña.
Translation to English by Sergio Cadena

taken from Facebook Pages AARP
Ini buku segini banyak yang minta dibacain itu-itu terus
 My dear girl, the day you see I'm getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I'm going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don't interrupt to say: "You said the same thing a minute ago"... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep.

When I don't want to take a bath, don't be mad and don't embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl?

When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don't look at me that way ... remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life's issues every day... the day you see I'm getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I'm going through.


If I occasionally lose track of what we're talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can't, don't be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you.

And when my old, tired legs don't let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don't feel sad... just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I'll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I've always had for you, I just want to say, I love you ... my darling daughter.

Menghias Celemek

Bunda memerlukan beberapa celemek kecil untuk dipakai teman-teman kelas lukis. Kemarin Bunda habis membeli cat kain, karena penasaran mencoba tie dye. Beberapa celemek akan di warnai dan beberapa kita hias pakai cat akrilik saja. Tentu saja Mikaila yang membantu menghias celemeknya. 



Elsa, princess of Arendelle, possesses cryokinetic powers, with which she is able to produce ice, frost, and snow at will. One night while playing, she accidentally injures her younger sister, Anna. The king and queen seek help from the troll king, who heals Anna and removes her memories of Elsa's magic. The royal couple isolates the children in their castle until Elsa learns to control her powers. Afraid of hurting Anna again, Elsa spends most of her time alone in her room, causing a rift between the girls as they grow up. When the girls are teenagers, their parents die at sea during a storm.
When Elsa comes of age, the kingdom prepares for her coronation. Among the guests is the Duke of Weselton, who seeks to exploit Arendelle for profit. Excited to be allowed out of the castle again, Anna explores the town and meets Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, and the two quickly develop a mutual attraction. Despite Elsa's fear, her coronation goes off without incident. During the reception, Hans proposes and Anna hastily accepts. However, Elsa refuses to grant her blessing and forbids their sudden marriage. The sisters argue, culminating in the exposure of Elsa's abilities during an emotional outburst.

Panicking, Elsa flees the castle, while inadvertently unleashing an eternal winter on the kingdom. High in the nearby mountains, she casts off restraint, building herself a solitary ice palace, and unknowingly brings her and Anna's childhood snowman, Olaf, to life. Meanwhile, Anna sets out in search of her sister, determined to return her to Arendelle, end the winter, and mend their relationship. When obtaining supplies, she meets an iceman named Kristoff and his reindeer, Sven, and convinces Kristoff to guide her up the North Mountain. On their journey, the group encounter Olaf, who leads them to Elsa's hideaway.

Anna and Elsa reunite, but Elsa still fears hurting her sister. When Anna persists in persuading her sister to return, Elsa becomes agitated and her powers lash out, accidentally striking Anna in the heart. Horrified, Elsa creates a giant snow creature to drive Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf away from her palace. As they flee, Kristoff notices Anna's hair turning white, and deduces that something is very wrong. He seeks help from the trolls, his adoptive family, who explain that Anna's heart has been frozen by Elsa. Unless it is thawed by an "act of true love", she will become frozen solid forever. Believing that only Hans can save her with a true love's kiss, Kristoff races back with her to Arendelle.
Meanwhile, Hans, leading a search for Anna, reaches Elsa's palace. In the ensuing battle against the Duke's men, Elsa is knocked unconscious and imprisoned in Arendelle. There, Hans pleads with her to undo the winter, but Elsa confesses that she does not know how. When Anna reunites with Hans and begs him to kiss her to break the curse, Hans refuses and reveals that his true intention in marrying her is to seize control of Arendelle's throne. Leaving Anna to die, he charges Elsa with treason for her younger sister's apparent death.

Elsa escapes and heads out into the blizzard on the fjord. Olaf finds Anna and reveals Kristoff is in love with her; they then escape onto the fjord to find him. Hans confronts Elsa, telling her Anna is dead because of her. In Elsa's despair, the storm suddenly ceases, giving Kristoff and Anna the chance to find each other. However, Anna, seeing that Hans is about to kill Elsa, throws herself between the two just as she freezes solid, blocking Hans' attack.
As Elsa grieves for her sister, Anna begins to thaw, since her decision to sacrifice herself to save her sister constitutes an "act of true love". Realizing love is the key to controlling her powers, Elsa thaws the kingdom and helps Olaf survive in summer. Hans is deported back to the Southern Isles to face punishment for his crimes against the royal family of Arendelle, while Elsa cuts off trade with Weselton. Anna and Kristoff share a kiss, and the two sisters reconcile. Elsa promises never to shut the castle gates again.
Olaf, Anna & Elsa
by Mikaila 3yo

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Bekas tempatan puree buahnya sekarang jadi tempat manik-manik. Salah satu hobi Mikaila bikin gelang warna warni.

kupu-kupu dan Lebah

Bunda (B) suka iseng ngintip karya Mikaila (M) dan bertanya macam-macam setelah dia menggambar.
B : itu gambar apa ?
M: kupu-kupu dan lebah bermain di taman bun.
B : itu sudah selesai warnaninnya? *sambil nunjuk area warna putih*
M : Iya, yang ini warnanya putih
B : (dalam hati , betul juga ya...putih kan juga warna)
B : Itu yang laki-laki mana?
M : laki-laki yang kupu-kupu, yang lebah perempuan.
B : Kok laki-laki ada anak bayi di perutnya?
M : itu kan bukan bayi bun, itu gambar bajunya
B : Melongoooo...OOOOOO...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mikaila, Thifah dan Abang Ciciz

Anak-anak kerjanya ya main saja. Sambil bundanya urus ini itu si Mikaila ikut juga, soalnya urusannya bunda di sekolah dan di TK, kemarin bantu-bantu pas reuni akbar YPS. 
Sambil nostalgia bunda melihat Mikaila naik kuda-kudaan yang sama dengan kuda-kudaan bunda maini dulu, main luncuran/perosotan yang sama jaman bunda masih TK. Seru yah...

Mikaila dan Thifah senang sekali naik kuda-kudaan.  

Malamnya mampir ke sekret reuni akbar, Mikaila main sama abang ciciz (alexis)


TANGLED.  based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel"

 Long ago, a drop of sunlight became a golden flower capable of healing any decay or injury. The flower, used by Mother Gothel to retain her youth, is discovered by soldiers of a nearby kingdom, who use the flower to heal their queen, who soon after gives birth to Princess Rapunzel. Gothel discovers that Rapunzel's hair has the flower's healing properties, but that cutting the hair causes it to lose its magic, so she kidnaps Rapunzel and raises her as her own daughter in an isolated tower.

Once a year, the King and Queen release sky lanterns on her birthday, hoping for their daughter's return. Nearing her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel for permission to leave the tower and discover the source of the lanterns, but Gothel refuses. Elsewhere, a thief known as Flynn Rider has stolen Rapunzel's crown from the kingdom and inadvertently discovers the tower after ditching his cohorts, the Stabbington brothers. Rapunzel captures Flynn and discovers the crown, but is unaware of its significance. Rapunzel plans to show Flynn to Gothel to prove she can take care of herself, but when Gothel becomes enraged at Rapunzel asking again to leave the tower, she instead asks for a special paint, one that will take Gothel three days to obtain. Gothel agrees and departs, and Rapunzel convinces Flynn to escort her to see the lanterns in exchange for the crown.

During their excursion, Flynn takes Rapunzel to the Snuggly Duckling, a pub filled with the types of people Gothel warned Rapunzel about, but who instead are charmed by Rapunzel's innocence. When the royal soldiers appear, searching for Flynn, the pub regulars help the pair escape. The soldiers give chase, led by Maximus, one of the lead horses in the royal army, and locate them at a dam. The dam is inadvertently breached, and the resulting deluge traps Flynn and Rapunzel in a flooding cave. Fearing this is the end, Flynn reveals his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel starts to reveal her hair glows when she sings, but realizes that is their key to escape as her hair provides enough light to find a way out of the cave. Eugene and Rapunzel take refuge in a forest, where Gothel, now in league with the Stabbingtons, gives the crown to Rapunzel and suggests challenging Eugene's interest in her with it.

The next morning, Maximus finds the pair and tries to capture Eugene, but Rapunzel arranges a truce in honor of her birthday. The group reaches the kingdom and enjoys the festivities, culminating in an evening cruise as the lanterns are released. There, Rapunzel gives Eugene the crown. When he sees the Stabbingtons on the shore, Eugene leaves Rapunzel and intends to let them have the crown. Instead, the brothers tie Eugene onto a boat and confront Rapunzel, claiming Eugene is escaping with the crown. Gothel then stages a rescue and returns Rapunzel to the tower as Eugene is arrested by the royal guards.

Back at the tower, Rapunzel begins to realize that she is the kingdom's long-lost princess and confronts Gothel. As Eugene is being led to his execution, he is rescued by the Snuggly Duckling regulars and taken to Maximus, who carries him back to Gothel's tower. Eugene enters the tower, where Gothel mortally wounds him. Rapunzel agrees to lifelong captivity if she is allowed to heal Eugene. However, Eugene instead cuts off all of Rapunzel's hair, destroying its magic. Gothel's age rapidly catches up to her, and she falls from the tower and disintegrates into dust. As Eugene dies, a heartbroken Rapunzel's tears lands on his cheek and restores him to health. The two return to the kingdom, where Rapunzel is reunited with her parents.

Rapunzel versi Mikaila

Play Ground

Lagi mengatur-ngatur file gambarnya Mikaila di foldernya dan bunda menemukan 2 versi gambar play ground Mikaila.
Tahun 2013 kita tinggal di Apato yang letak play groundnya sangat dekat, bisa dikata buka pintu dapur tinggal menyebrang jalan langsung dapat play ground. Sayangnya kondisi play ground di daerah Old Camp sangat tidak terawat, kotor dan sebagian sudah rusak. Sangat tidak save membiarkan anak-anak kecil bermain disana.

Halaman belakang apato menuju play ground

Play Ground versi 2013
by Mikaila 2yo

Play Ground versi 2014
by Mikaila 3yo

sketsa : Skuter

 bunda sibuk mengerjakan ilustrasi pesanan klien, Mikaila ikut juga
ambil kertas dan catnya sendiri. 
Disambi main skuter, bunda usulkan bagaimana kalau Mikaila mencoba bikin gambar skuter?

 ini gambar skuter mikaila

foto keluarga
Ayah,Bunda dan mikaila

Mould and paint dari 4M

Silahkan baca petunjuk pembuatannya.
untuk 1 kemasan berisi 2 sachet bubuk semen putih
(cukup untuk mencetak 4x)

Harus dituang buru-buru karena sangat cepat mengering. 

set cat dan kuas

main bersama adek faiz Spiderman

ada semacam semen putih yg tinggal dicampur air, ada cetakan mika lengkap dengan kuas dan cat.
Beli online nitip di teman atau beli di gramediaonline seharga 88.000

Thursday, August 21, 2014

bikinan sendiri selalu yang terbaik

Mikaila termasuk anak yang tidak puya boneka untuk menemani tidur, walaupun dia punya banyak boneka yang dibeli dan dihadiahkan oleh temannya.
Dia juga tidak pernah minta dibelikan boneka, hanya saja kalau lihat temannya main boneka pasti jadi rebutan. Pulang ke rumah dia lupa lagi keinginan untuk main boneka. 

Yang paling hits saat ini adalah gank Frozen, saya ajak dia membuat bonekanya sendiri.
Dia senang sekali, selama ini baru 2 boneka yang sampai diajaknya tidur, pertama adalah boneka buatannya yang saya bantu jahit dan kedua adalah boneka Elsa dkk.

persiapan ke 4 tahun

Beberapa hari ini Mikaila menghadiri undangan ulang tahun teman-temannya. Dia jadi bertanya-tanya kapan dia berulang tahun, sejak bulan lalu dia sudah membuat list teman-teman yang akan diundangnya dan nampaknya list itu semakin hari semakin panjang.  Untuk Ulang tahunnya dia request tema POWER RANGERS, sepertinya tema HELLO KITTY yang lalu sudah dilupakannya sejak dia kenal tokoh rangers Pink. Beberapa kali saya lihat dia membuat desain untuk kartu undangannya.  Tampaknya belum ada yang fix.

Ini lagi kubujuk untuk kembali ke tema Hello Kitty karena cetakan kue dan beberapa printilan untuk tema Kitty sudah saya sediakan, Lagipula cari printilan Power Rangers susahhhh.

Menurut Mikaila, ultah adalah saatnya dia dapat hadiah yang dibeli pakai uang celengan yang sdh dikumpulkannya selama setahun dan dia bisa request ditiupkan balon.

3 tahun-17 oktober 2013
di dieng corner
Anak tanggung, terlahir di bulan Oktober membuat Mikaila menjadi anak berusia tanggung untuk sekolahnya. Teman angkatannya yang lain sudah mulai TK tapi Mikaila masih bersabar di Play Group dulu, kalau saya lihat dari kesiapan  memang belum ada tanda siap jadi anak TK. Sejak bunda tidak bekerja lagi dia jadi sangat lengket sama bunda, dan bunda tentu tidak mau menjadi orang tua murid yang duduk menunggui anak di sekolah. Lumayan tuh 1,5jam duduk menunggu mana betah bunda.

Usia 3 tahun ini Mikaila jadi asisten di kelas lukisnya bunda, entah itu hanya sekedar mengambilkan cat dan kuas buat teman kelas lukis atau membantu menemani temannya membuat lukisan. 

2 tahun-17 oktober 2012
di apato

 1 tahun-17 oktober 2011
di yatch club

6 bulan-perdana makan MPASI (makanan pendamping ASI)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

diy : menghias Celengan

Ini bundanya yang punya selera, wafer selamat!. Supaya tidak bolak balik warung beli wafer sachet kita stok yang versi kaleng. Kalengnya bisa buat celengan Mikaila. Nabung isinya beli mainan plus wafer selamat yang banyak :)

Alat dan Bahan : Kaleng bekas (apa saja), cat akrilik warna putih (untuk cat dasar) dan cat akrilik warna warni untuk mengecat sesuai selera, kuas beraneka ragam.


Hari 1 : Lubangi tutup kaleng. Mikaila kebagian jatah mengecat, dikaryakan buat ngecat dasar warna putih. Lalu dikeringkan

Hari ke 2 : setelah pulang sekolah Mikaila melanjutkan mengecatnya, dibuat lebih rata dan rapih. kemudian mengecat sesuka hati

Untuk finishing bunda tambahkan gambar-gambar lagi...hmmmnyum, kenapa gambarnya selalu tidak jauh-jauh dari makanan?

 Terakhir Celengan ini dijadikan drum oleh Mikaila, dipukul keliling kamar.